Technology entered the M&A world as a way to make our lives easier.  The world of the very near future will be divided into tech tools, little robots and big robots.  Tools will perform or help humans perform discrete tasks. Little robots will automate series of discrete tasks.  Big robots will organize and automate groups of little robots into a cohesive system. As the robots get bigger, they will increasingly be agnostic as to which tools or smaller robots they work with.  A lawyer using one brand of hammer will be able to work with an accountant using a different brand of wrench.

This white paper outlines the direction the M&A ecosystem is heading.  Robots will assist in all phases, including strategy development, deal origination, target evaluation (or, on the sell side, getting a company ready for sale), due diligence, deal negotiation and documentation, closing management, post-closing integration and post-closing adjustments.  Deal management tools will make the process easier.  The result?  Faster, better, less expensive acquisitions.

To download a copy, please click here: Attack of the M&A Robots

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